Our Feline Friends

We have three house cats: Swiffer, Petey, and Monte (nicknamed Munchie).
We have two barn cats (actually, they live in the garage): Poobles and Leroy (Leroy Jethro Bibbs).
We also have a stray tabby, Noah, that comes by several times a day.

This is one of our house cats, Swiffer.

Swiffer showed up within a week of our losing Moppet. He thinks he's a dog in cat's clothing.

This is Monte, the youngest house cat.

Just a little bit of size difference between Monte and Swiffer.

This is our "yowl-low" house cat, Petey.

Petey was given to us by Linda's co-author, Julie.

This is Poobles, one of our barn cats.

We lost Poobles in January 2015. He was 19 years old. RIP Poobles.

This is LeRoy Jethro Bibbs, our other outside cat.