Our Past Horses

A Memorial to The Girls

We lost these TWH mares in 1997 (most likely to botulism poisoning).

Brandy was a red roan Tennessee Walking Horse. She was full of energy
and would do anything for her rider. She was one of the
best trail horses I've ever ridden.

Brandy and Linda in the VEISHEA parade at
Iowa State University.

Missy was more of a dog than a horse. She loved to swim and would often
swim across the pond just because it was there.

Missy running in the pasture.

Shelby was Missy's mother. Shelby was a horse anyone could ride, and
lots of people learned to ride on this horse.

Here's Linda and the girls.

This is one of my favorite photos. This is Brandy and Shelby in a river in Minnesota during a ride on the North Shore Trail.

We miss you girls.

Our TWH Dusty

We donated Dusty to a theraupetic riding center for children. Dusty is only 14.1H and we figured he had carried adults around long enough.

Dusty on a rainy morning.

Dusty in his stall.